sabato 5 marzo 2016

A software house's office

(ENG) The Idea
The belief that the working spaces of a software company, which designs programs for the fashion world, has to distinguish itself from other types of offices (lawyers, engineers, etc.), was the leading idea of the whole project. So, how turn an anonymous space in a challenging and dynamic office, where he is “pleasant to stay”?

The Communication
For the budget allowed almost exclusively the purchase of furnishing, it was decided to make only the absolutely necessary masonry works and to focus on the functionality of the furniture, their distribution and the communication of the company's image. The result is a contemporary and international looking, where the "public areas" communicate a quiet informality, avoiding disorder.
The Mood
The reception, the inner distribution space and kitchen are characterized by the use of wallpaper with a colored stripes design, which gives an immediate sense of dynamism and comfort. As the colors are based on a standard system, is easy to create the same pattern through painting. In fact some office walls, the main inner space, and the relax room, were treated with the same logic, using one of the basic colors.

The Furnishings
The simplicity of the kitchen and the sitting area is expressed through the use of chairs with different colors and shapes but in agreement with each other, while a more rigorous approach was reserved for the offices with neutral colors like black, white and gray. Where possible, small areas with seating and low tables where play small meetings between colleagues or informal meetings, have been included . The furnishings have been carefully chosen to allow a high flexible composition and the ability to adapt to future changes.
The Services
The most important structural adjustment was the one regarding the bathroom. Positioned in the suggested place, it was designed according to current hygiene regulations, ensuring the easier use for disabled and customers, not forced to access in the spaces reserved to employees. It was also included an area to store food, tools and detergents for the kitchen, often overlooked but definitely essential.

With Giuseppe Saponara Architetto

(ITA) L'idea
La convinzione che gli spazi lavorativi di una software house, che progetta programmi per il mondo della moda, debba distinguersi da altre tipologie di uffici (avvocati, ingegneri, ecc.) è stata l'idea trainante di tutta la progettazione. Quindi, come trasformare uno spazio anonimo in un ufficio stimolante e dinamico, dove sia “bello stare?”

La comunicazione
Dato che il budget consentiva quasi esclusivamente l'acquisto dei mobili, si è scelto di operare solo gli interventi murari assolutamente necessari e concentrare l'attenzione sulla funzionalità degli arredi e della loro distribuzione e sulla comunicazione dell'immagine dell'azienda. Il risultato è un ambiente dall'aspetto contemporaneo e internazionale, dove le “aree pubbliche” comunicano una tranquilla informalità senza però risultare disordinate.

Il “mood”
La reception, lo spazio distributivo interno e la cucina sono caratterizzati dall’uso di una carta da parati con un particolare motivo decorativo a strisce colorate, in grado di dare un immediato senso di dinamicità e benessere. Dato che i colori si basano su un sistema standard, è possibile creare lo stesso decoro attraverso la tinteggiatura. Infatti alcune pareti degli uffici, dello spazio centrale e della sala relax, sono state trattate con la stessa logica, usando in maniera estesa una delle tinte base.

Gli arredi
La semplicità della cucina e della zona relax si esprime attraverso l'uso di arredi con forme e colori diversi ma in accordo tra loro, mentre un maggior rigore è stato riservato agli uffici dove predominano toni neutri quali il bianco, il nero e il grigio. Dove è stato possibile, sono state inserite delle piccole zone con sedute e tavoli bassi dove svolgere piccoli meeting tra colleghi o riunioni informali. Gli arredi sono stati scelti con cura per permettere una alta flessibilità compositiva e capacità di adeguarsi a futuri cambiamenti.

I servizi
L'intervento strutturale più importante è stato l'adeguamento del bagno. Posizionato nello spazio suggerito, è stato progettato secondo le attuali normative igieniche, garantendone l'uso ai disabili e un più facile utilizzo da parte dei clienti, non costretti ad accedere a spazi riservati agli impiegati. Inoltre è stata inserita una zona per conservare alimenti, attrezzi e detersivi per la cucina, spesso sottovalutata ma sicuramente indispensabile.

Con Giuseppe Saponara Architetto

giovedì 3 marzo 2016

A sustainable renovation in France

The challenge of the project was the renovation of an old-farm-building located in Preaux, France, without upsetting its shape and characteristics. The goal was to create a comfortable and beautiful home to live and the right balance between public and private areas, through a careful study of the relation with the external spaces.

The two main project proposals are the greenhouse (Jardin d'Hiver) and the well of light (Tour Lumière). These two real “wellness” spaces which allow the light to dearly enter, are climatic systems that use a controlled “greenhouse effect” to heat the interior.

The greenhouse is placed in the same place of the old porch. This structure, once in poor conditions, becomes a place to enjoy the surroundings while drinking a tea, eating, reading, and even grown plants. A greenhouse is very suitable to recover plants as lemons, that particularly suffer from cold in winter. Near the greenhouse entrance is the Tour Lumière. Located in a side protrusion and cleaned from the old floors, becomes the true protagonist of the project.

On the south-west side of the house is the outdoor relaxation area. This is connected to the dining room through a large door which has the task to illuminate the interior, also. All the outside is dominated by a private swimming pool, installed without making any excavations. A retaining wall at the end of the property act as a barrier, holding the backfill in which is the swimming pool.
The pool ideally complete all the southern spaces which are dedicated to relaxation and light. The entire area then becomes a large place for leisure and flexible enough to allow different uses over the time.

A key part of the entire project is the structural aspect, with a few but significant actions such as the realization of new roofing, using steel, wood and glass, and the big opening of the Tour Lumière.
A significant effort has been to maintain almost all of the original openings to keep the sides without changing too much of the original appearance, but ensuring the necessary amount of light.
A decisive choice was taken in the creation of the new floor levels (made in steel and wood with a concrete finish) avoiding, as required by the Client, uncomfortable changes of plan.
Special attention was directed to the location of bathrooms, all located in the south-east, in order to concentrate the sewer hook-ups in one unique area.

Particular attention was given to the interior comfort through the insulation of the walls from the inside to leave the exposed stone outside. For this, insulation wood fibre panels finished with clay plaster were selected. They have characteristics soft and iridescent colours toward the exterior.

The external insulation was chosen on the side which hosts the large structure of the chimney, in order to leave the inner stone exposed. This outer wall is covered with lime plaster with natural paste-colored. An underfloor ventilation ensure the proper insulation from moisture coming from the soil. The greenhouse and the tower, are important regulators of the inner temperature, helping to gain sun's heat during the winter and providing the right ventilation in the summer.

Architetto Giuseppe Saponara website: